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Pre-Validation Meetings

As a follow-up to activities during the inception phase, the GQSP Phase 2 Indonesia team organized pre-validation meetings with main counterparts to finalize the work plan.

 Pre-validation meeting were started with the meeting with the Agency for Quality Assurance and Inspection for Fish and Fisheries Products – BPPMHKP on 12 January 2024 for Work plan Finalization on Quality Assurance (QA), pre-validation meeting with the Directorate General of Marine and Fisheries Product Competitiveness- PBM on 16 January 2024 for Work plan Finalization on the Indonesian National Standard - SNI and continued with Marine and Fisheries HR Counseling and Development Agencies/BPPSDM (17 January 2024), pre-validation meeting with the Agency for Quality Assurance and Inspection for Fish and Fisheries Products /BPPMHKP (23 January 2024) for Work plan Finalization on QA, pre-validation meeting with the DG Marine and Fisheries Surveillance/DJPDS (24 January 2024) for Work plan Finalization on quality and product development/value addition, pre-validation meeting with the DG Aquaculture (25 January 2024) for Work plan Finalization on strengthening Quality infrastructure, dan pre-validation meeting with the National Standardization Agency /BSN (25 January 2024) for Work plan Finalization on strengthening Quality infrastructure . 



In line with the preparation of the Validation workshop, the GQSP Phase 2 Indonesia team prepared and distributed a draft inception report to members of the Steering Committee (UNIDO, SECO, MMAF, and BSN) and National experts for feedback. The draft report with consolidated input was used during the Validation workshop on 1st February 2024. (AF) 

By Aniq Fadhillah, Chief Operations Officer, GQSP Indonesia 
