INFOFISH International Magazine published 2 articles highlighting the important role of milkfish and seaweed in strengthening food security and economic growth in Indonesia
Two articles published by INFOFISH International Magazine highlighted the importance of milkfish and seaweed, two popular aquaculture products in Indonesia, on their contribution towards
food security as well as economic growth.
In the first article with the title of "STRENGTHENING THE MILKFISH VALUE CHAIN IN INDONESIA", Mrs. Ita Sualia (COO of UNIDO GQSP Indonesia) and Mr. Kuswantoro (shrimp and milkfish farmer; UNIDO GQSP Indonesia’s partner) provide an overview of the milkfish farming sector in Indonesia, and relates how (with support from stakeholders such as UNIDO) farmers and processors are able to report better yields and increased exports.
While for seaweed, Mrs. Maria Gigih (entrepreneur and expert in seaweed processing) and Mr. Yudhistira Wiryawan (Director of PT. Lentera Unggul Sejahtera Inti) in the article "SMALL-SCALE
SEAWEED PROCESSING IN INDONESIA", underline the potency of seaweed as value added products developed in the household level, where by a proper management and strong support from government and other stakeholders (such as UNIDO), this sector can play an important role not only in nutrition security but also in improving the standard of living within coastal communities in Indonesia by creating new job opportunities.
Click link below to read the full article.